About Us
The Best to our Customers and Partners
We have more than 50 years of experience in the market offering solutions in thermal insulation, executing projects and supplying thousands of products inside and outside of Mexico. We are seeking to give value in each of the services we provide.

About Us
At AYFISA we strive every day to give the best to our clients and partners.
Provide comprehensive solutions in thermal insulation through our highly trained staff, which guarantees energy savings with high quality products and services.
To be the leading company in the national market that offers the best thermal insulation service, providing added value for our clients and associates.
Policy for the Prevention of Psychosocial Risks at Work
In the work center of AYFISA S.A. of C.V. in relation to the prevention of psychosocial risk factors, the prevention of workplace violence, and the promotion of a favorable organizational environment, the following commitments are assumed:
The operatives, administratives, commercial executives, coordinators, managers and directors are obliged to apply and exemplify this policy.
We do not tolerate acts of workplace violence, as well as any incident that promotes psychosocial risk factors or actions that go against the favorable organizational environment.
We implement measures aimed at preventing psychosocial risk factors, preventing workplace violence and promoting a favorable organizational environment, in order to avoid adverse consequences for the organization and its employees.
We have a fair attention procedure before complaints and claims, which does not allow retaliation and avoids abusive or unfounded claims; guaranteeing the confidentiality of cases.
We carry out awareness-raising actions, programs, information and training.
We effectively disseminate prevention policies and measures.
We respect the exercise of the rights that employees have to observe their practical beliefs, or satisfy their decisions related to race, sex, religion, ethnicity, age or any other condition that may give rise to discrimination.
We generate spaces for participation and consultation, taking into account the ideas of all collaborators.
All collaborators participate in establishing and putting into practice these psychosocial risk prevention policies in the workplace.
Quality Policy
At AYFISA we are committed to providing our clients with caloric/thermal insulation solutions for all types of industry.
Offering high-quality installation products and services adhering to applicable technical standards, legal, regulatory, contractual and current frameworks. Providing innovation and continuous improvement of our services.
Our Team